Enshrined – Twitter Art Exhibit 2015

Twitter Art Exhibit Front Display

Twitter Art Exhibit 2015 Poster
Twitter Art Exhibit 2015
The Twitter Art Exhibit 2015 was the second Twitter Art event I participated in. 620 artists from 40 countries contributed their art in this wonderful humanitarian event that sends proceeds to a different charity each year. I was extremely honoured that my postcard entitled Enshrined was chosen to grace the poster for the 2015 Twitter Art Exhibit.
Twitter Art Exhibit has allowed over 1000 artists across the globe to raise over $64,000US for various charities world wide since its inception. Each year, artists create a post card sized piece, which is then sold either at the opening night of the yearly exhibit, or later online. The exhibit is the brainchild of Norwegian artist David Sandum, who set up the original exhibit to raise funds for the children’s department of the Moss, Norway Library. The 2015 recipient was an organization called Home Start in Moss, Norway.
“I attended David Sandum’s Twitter Art Exhibit on it’s opening day last Thursday. I was also the lucky one who got to by your beautiful piece of art that you had so kindly submitted to the exhibit. I love it!! …there were many who would have liked to buy your painting, so I placed myself very close to it, and as soon as the exhibit was declared opened by the mayor of Moss and he said the words “Now you can go ahead and buy”, I snatched it as fast as the lightening…”
For more information about Twitter Art Exhibit, see their website, Twitter Art Exhibit.
- Recipient Home Start | Moss, Norway
- Organized by David Sandum & the team at Twitter Art